Educational Books on Kindle
This is a listing of our educational Ebooks available on Amazon. To order from our paperback and hard back range please see this link. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Level One Learning Cards: Symbols
A set of learning cards, published in book format, covering all the symbols for the level one Triquetrae Music Programme for piano.Everything a piano student needs to know to complete the Level One symbols in an interactive way to learn using a tablet or phone and the Kindle app.
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Level One Learning Cards: Rhythm
Everything a piano student needs to know to complete the Level One programme. An interactive way to learn using a tablet or phone and the Kindle app. Each page is a single bar rhythm representing full bar and anacrusis rhythms in simple duple (2/4), simple triple (3/4) and simple quadruple (4/4) time using semibreves, dotted minims, minims and crotchets in note and rest form.
Permission is granted to copy or reduce each page as required. It is requested that credit to the original source is included.