Check out this blog for the challenges in August.
See below for
Dru's Reception Challenge
1. Download the sticker sheet.
2. Collect stickers by completing 25 challenges in a month. You can download below or collect in reception.
3. Receive 2 extra gemstones for a complete sheet.
Sticker sheet Download.
Week 1: 01/08 - 07/08
This week's challenge is a simple one. Send in a photo or video to us via the usual channels. Email. WhatsApp, Facebook Page. This photo or video must include the student playing their instrument with a flower.
August Super Gem

We have had a little time off the gem challenges while Dru has been receiving his treatment. Back with a "Super Gem Challenge" this August.
Prize: 1 Gem per 10 items
Send a 30 second 'Work in Progress' video full of summer items. A Work in Progress video is your normal practice but with the Super Gem upgrade. Remember it does not have to be perfect, it's a work in progress.
Don't forget to include a list of all the items included, no list no gems! An item can only be included once per variation. ie sunglasses are sunglasses, no matter how many colours you have :)
The record for the spring super gem was over 100 green items, well done to Brandon who sent a video, list and photos too.
WhatsApp to 0781 339 8977 or 07706 63882, send to the Facebook page or email to info@stalybridgemusicacademy.con to be included. Don't forget the list too.
Compilation videos will be included on the blog.
Secret Gem
Check back mid August
Work in Progress 2 Gem Challenges.
Check back from 2nd Monday in August.