5 Gems Each Month Blended Challenge
February: Valentines Day
March: Spring
April: Earth Day
May: Garden Life
June: Summer
July: Children's Art
August: Holiday
September: Back to School
October: Autumn
November: Keeping Warm
December: Christmas
January: Winter
This challenge involves three parts.
The 'online section' is a quiz (or quest) available in our online course section. It is free to join and a fun way to improve online skills. Gem cards are awarded at the end of the month to everyone who has completed the quest that month.
The 'written work' section can include theory, craft, drawing or any pen and pencil based activity. Bring the item to your lesson for a Gem Card to exchange for a gem.
The 'in person' section involves a 30 second work in progress video to be sent to reception. Include to three challenge items in your video to receive your gems. 1 gem awarded per item included.
Online MusiKIDS challenge https://www.stalybridgemusicacademy.com/onlinecourses |
Extra gems are available via the online programs. See if you can collect them all.
The Learning Objectives for the June challenge are
Learn the bass clef notes C3 to G3.
Enjoy some colour theory and chord families.
Use the imagination and be creative.
Develop small muscle control.
Complete tasks with short term extrinsic rewards.
Develop a relaxed nature with the use of video.
Be aware of the requirement to check your work.
Meet the ‘dragons’ Augustine.
Earn 5 gems this June. (PS there are 5 more every month in the online challenge) Send a Work in progress video with 3 summer items to +44 7706 638821 in June to earn 3 gems. Draw or craft an Art picture with Jake and bring it to your lesson. Complete the lovely online quiz and earn 1 gem. | |
Download the August Calendar and potential Gem Tracker. Tick them off as you earn them. For more information about the sponsored practice see the 'Practise-a-thon' page. | |
Sticker Chart When a student at Stalybridge Music Academy achieves a target in lessons the teacher can award a sticker to go on the monthly sticker chart. Fill the chart in the month and show reception before the end of the month and you will receive two gems. Download this months sticker chart here. |
August 11th includes a maze for 1 gem.