Seasons Greetings
Seasons Greetings and Festive Frivolity.
As we approach the time of the Seasonal Holidays we would like to take the opportunity to thank all of you who’ve supported, helped, attended and participated at Stalybridge Music Academy this year.
So that you are all aware here are our opening times over the two week festive period. Please discuss with Simon on desk when you’d like to have your lesson if your scheduled lesson falls on a day that we’re not here or if you’d just like the time off.
Friday 24th: Open as usual (although, if possible, we do like to finish a wee bit earlier)
Saturday 25th: Closed
Sunday 26th: Closed.
Monday 27th: Closed.
Tuesday 28th: Closed.
Wednesday 29th: Open as usual. 9-8
Thursday 30th: Open as usual. 9-8
Friday 31st: Open as usual. 9-5
Saturday 1st: Closed
Sunday 2nd: Closed
Monday 3rd: Closed.
Tuesday 4th onward: Open as usual.
Andrew is only working one day out of the 29th - 31st. Please liaise with Simon to coordinate your lesson.
We will be contacting people to double check nearer the time but it will be operating on a ‘first come-first served’ basis.
Simon has taken over Reception and is on Desk most days with support from Amy, John and Dru. Dru is working on the infrastructure requirements, investment acquisition and accounts with Amy’s help during the week and covering the desk on weekends. George, our Saturday tutor, is departing for pastures new and so we’ll be looking for another piano teacher to cover Saturdays. Trevor has joined us for guitar, bass, uke and drums and works Tuesdays and Sundays (with the option of other days as he can) and Tim, our Texan trumpeter, is returning around May to begin teaching brass again.
New Year Events.
The Gemstar Challenge reaches its peak at Christmas and the Annual Trophies will be given out to the winners to have at home for the year. The arrival of the Dragons and their Dragolian coins add a new and challenging element to next year’s challenge, details will follow. We’d like to take the opportunity to thank those who’ve joined in and made the Gemstars such a success and look forward to more opportunities for participation and winning coins and gems next year.
Our Teaching Apprentices, Nargis, Max and Noah, with Josie, Rob and Chris, will be starting up group lessons for Uke, Recorder, Ocarina, Guitar and other instruments based on age groups. These will run over 6 weeks, be for no more than 4 people and cost £5 per head.
Further developments are in process with our Piano Teaching Program which is being piloted primarily by Chris, with a few pupils working with Josie to try and create a dynamic, holistic, rhizomatic teaching program which caters for the student’s learning styles and facilitates their best way to learn.
Chris is currently in year two of her Master’s Degree in Music preparatory to undertaking her first Doctorate in Music Education.
We are also looking to expand in the New Year and are in discussion with a few sites regarding usage and probabilities. We will, of course, keep you informed as things progress.
Thank you all
Dru & Chris