While there have been some terrible things that have occurred during this current crisis for us, having to close the physical doors on our business, forced separation from our colleagues and learners, loss of revenue, increased stress (for me, my cats trying to murder me because I'm at home too much lol) there are a few, and increasing, small beauties that are blooming and unfolding as we continue on.
Parents able to listen to their children practice and play.
More one on one time for learners and their families to appreciate one another.
Greater interest slowly growing throughout the world.
Learners and their families who succumbed to the mammoth fear generated by the media now coming back to try, at least, an online service.
Our Tutors learning greater confidence before the camera.
Examination Boards revamping their ideas and presenting new ways to take examinations.
Our online service picking up pace and interest.
New pupils booking from around the UK;
A lovely lady from London, having never interacted with us before.
A gentleman from the Highlands wanting to learn Mandolin.
We're happy to teach, if you are willing to learn.
NEVER too late
NEVER too old
NEVER too stupid
Don't delay, learn today. Join the rise in music around the world.
🎶Drum kit
🎶Electric Guitar
🎶Performance (PVG, PVU, PV)
🎶Bass Guitar
and others .
Book via the website or by calling Chris on 07813398977 or Dru on 07903602600