New Year & New Challenges!

Welcome to Stalybridge Music Academy 2022. This year, after the roaring success of 88 students participating in the Gemstone Challenge we’re extending the Gemstone Challenge one step further.
The Gemstone Challenge will continue with participants (irrespective of age, level, grade or ability) able to win Gemstones each week for:
Practising for 5 days during that week for a total of minutes agreed by the Tutor, Sponsor and Learner. (Remember that if you practice more you can gain extra gems should you complete double, triple or even more time in practice**)
Sending in a video or photo of your practice to the Desk Phone (one video/ photo per instrument) 07706 638821 or Chris on 07813398977.
Achieving a goal in lessons such as playing a piece all of the way through, completing a theory sheet or completing a scales challenge.
Passing an Examination (either with an Examination or with our own Triquetrae Progress Assessments.
Completing assigned homework with 75% success, bringing it in or sending it via email.
The Dragon Vaults.
Students of all ages may participate in the Dragon Challenge in the Dragon’s Vaults:
January - April: Verdun’s Green Dragon Vault:
Complete weekly challenges.
Achieve targeted goals.
Complete music based quizzes and puzzles such as word searches, word wheels, colouring, dot to dot.
May - August: Caerun’s Blue Dragon Vault (to be revealed)
September - December: Rhudra’s Red Dragon Vault (to be revealed)
The Dragon Soiree Program.
Those who strive to achieve their goals may opt to exchange gemstones (which aren’t deducted from the gemstone total) for Dragon Coins, known as Dragolian Coins.
Bronze Coins may be exchanged for 10 gemstones. Each Bronze Coin grants the student access to attend and perform at the Bronze Soirees which will be at various points during the year. Participation in the Soirees also entitles the student to Soiree Gemstones which are awarded by Chris
2 - Good Effort
4 - Very Good Effort
6 - Excellent Effort
10 (awarded as a Dragon Coin) - Flawless.
Students who attain 50 gems (or 5 Bronze Dragolians) will be awarded a Golden Dragolian which grants access to the two Special Soirees, one in June, one in January. The Golden Soirees offer a chance to dress up and perform in a venue, and award double the gemstones of the Bronze Soiree.
4 - Good Effort
8 - Very Good Effort
12 - Excellent Effort
20 (awarded as a Dragon Coin) - Flawless.