Thank you for sending your 'Work in Progress' video to be included in the weekly 'Gemstar' video. They are becoming very popular therefore to ensure the videos are published weekly Simon is taking over the job of preparing and publishing the video, and putting the all important gemstones in the students pots who send in videos.
I have opened a new number WhatsApp number to send Gemstar videos, this is 07706 638821.
I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to join the Musikids Club, at the moment it is online but in time we will be having get togethers at the Academy too.
This is exclusively for our students and is moderated by the admin team therefore students may join as well. There will be fun badges to earn, competitions, games and stories. You can post videos and pictures, make friends and ask questions.
Hope you can join us, for more infomation please see https://www.stalybridgemusicacademy.com/musikids or to join see https://www.stalybridgemusicacademy.com/group/musikids-club/.
If you would like to recommend a friend for lessons, and to join MusiKids, please pass on our details. If they tell reception that you recommended them then you can have a free 'extra' lesson.
Kind regards
Chris Caton-Greasley LLCM(TD)
Music Director
P.S. See the Gemstar videos on this link https://www.stalybridgemusicacademy.com/gemstone-award-program
P.P.S. The special MusicKids 'recommend a friend code' is in the group, using this gets you both a free inflatable guitar or saxophone.