Music, so far as we are concerned, is a vital and essential part not only of education but also of life.
When we stop and think about it and our restrictive, mould forming, education system which strives to thrust each child out into the world as a clone of all the others, doing their part to maintain the system as the same, stale, stagnant state, we, who love the creative arts and are striving to ensure their inclusion into our insular, toxic world. We provide music education and education support for those people, children and adults, who recognise the need for music in their, or their children's, lives.

Music lessons begin with us with a soon to be reborn Mini-Music Maestros where youngsters from 3 months to 3 years can come, play, learn and immerse themselves in music.
We're establishing a plan for a 10-12 week block of small group lessons where children of much the same age and development can learn and play together.The next step is, currently, one-to-one lessons in General Music where we help them learn the 8 notes of the scales, their letters and how to find and play them and their dynamics such as loud and soft, up and down, high and low, leading them on to choosing their favourite instrument.
As they progress we can begin piano, ukulele, percussion lessons and progress at the pace each student needs. Each education pathway is entirely focused on the learning requirements of the individual student and progression is at a pace they can handle.
Further instruments become available as they get older from Strings (Violin, viola, cello, bass), guitar, drum kit and some woodwind and brass according to the childs dental growth.
Music Education CANNOT be commenced too young and SHOULD be encouraged and maintained from an early age to ensure a faster, well rounded maturity of focus, personality, hand eye coordination and small muscle control. Support for early music education is widely advocated, see this link for more information, and we hope more people take up this chance to enhance their children's development. #musiclessons #vocallessons #singinglessons #guitarlessons #ukulelelessons #pianolessons #violinlessons #cellolessons #flutelessons #howto #somethingtodo #kidsactivity #heartbeat #booktoday #dontdelay #clarientlessons #saxophonelessons #stalybridge #cheshire #tameside #lessonsforadults #lessonsforteens #lessonsforkids #seniorcitizendiscount #makeithappen