MusiKids recorder classes teach the basics in descant recorder skills. Week 4 looks at the notes E4 and F#4 using the pieces 'It's Raining' and 'It's M.U.S.I.C' and the musical element fast and slow.

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Exercises in Pitch
These exercises do not have a rhythm attached they are purely to locate the fingers on the holes and secure a clean tone when moving between the notes.

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Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 4
Exercise 5
Rhythm Exercises
These exercises focus on rhythm without the requirement of pitch. They can be used with or without a time signature. Due to the age group we often use the count value of each note to help learn them.

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We use a guiro in class for the rhythms as this plays long and short sounds. You can make a guiro from a ribbed water bottle and a pencil.
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 4
Exercise 5
Piece: It's Raining
This piece is used to practise the note E4.

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Piece: It's M.U.S.I.C
This is based on a popular church song from America called The B.I.B.L.E. This piece has been selected as it only uses the notes we are learning today.

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