Week three looks at high and low sounds with Oscar d'Ocarina the Ocarina as he explores Italy and beyond.

This week introduces the idea of playing sounds that are high and low.
The piece this week is Jingle Bells which starts on a mid range note then moves higher and lower. This program is designed for the ages of 5 and 6 years therefore half the piece is introduced this week and half next week.
Notation & TAB
The course will use these four note shapes each week. To help students play the pieces an Ocarina Tab is used to show where the fingers go. The corresponding notation is for a 4 hole plastic Ocarina like the one Oscar is holding in the picture.
Using the system of a fixed doh on a C, this Ocarina is pitched to Re or D4. This week the note added is la or A4.
The aim for week 3 is to achieve high and low sounds on the Ocarina.
This week we will also be using boomwhackers to understand the concept of lower sounds being longer and higher sounds being shorter in length.
The Piece of the Day.
This week the piece is called 'Jingle Bells' and the children may follow the TAB or the music. D is orange, E is yellow, F# is green, G is blue and A is purple. These colours correspond the to stars of the Triquetrae Junior Piano program.
This piece would be included irrespective of the time of year as it used for its context not it's Christmas association.
You Tube Recording
to follow
Spotify Story Audio File
You Tube Story
to follow
Extension Activities
Teaching high and low sounds can be difficult and young children compare them to loud and soft. The pip instruments we used can be made at home as a PVC Pipe Xylophone; see how on this link. https://frugalfun4boys.com/how-to-make-pvc-pipe-xylophone-instrument/
You can also make a Rainbow Xylophone with some wood and paint. https://www.andnextcomesl.com/2013/05/homemade-rainbow-xylophone.html
Finally and I think the most fun would be some Do-Re-Mi bottles using coloured water.