in 1980 - 1985 I was privileged to be a member of Tameside Youth Orchestras. I did not realise it at the time, but the evenings I was ferried to Ashton Library, back entrance, have become some cherished memories. I remember the feeling of being part of a sound the at the start seemed impossible but over the weeks changed from a garbled mess to something beautiful. One of my favourite songs back then was the Radetsky March and the Liberty Bell March; and my greatest fear was having to sound a clean A on my flute for the strings to tune. It seemed so difficult then it makes me laugh now. There are times I would give everything up to be back in those days of orchestras, performances and carefree times but to appreciate them for what they were, not resent having to go to orchestra, again! However I did go, every week, to orchestras, bands and choirs and looking back it was the best thing my mum did for me as I continued to learn and to grow and despite every set back, wrong turn and delay today we are here in Stalybridge with Music Academy. This year we hope to start our youth ensembles.
Music Academy Stalybridge are looking for young people who play any instrument between grades 1 and 5 who want to form the new Academy Youth Ensemble in Stalybridge. Keyboardists and pianists will add chromatic percussion to their repertoire of their instrumental family.
Please note this is an educational ensemble and practise will be required. PDF's of all music will be supplied.

The aim it to give local young people who play an orchestral instrument the experience of playing great music in an orchestra, improve there skills, achieve better grades and make new friends. In addition to the Academy Youth Ensemble we will be forming a beginners violin or flute and recorder ensemble for new players. Instrument hire is available at £5 per month.
Again this is an educational activity and a great introduction to lessons. If you are interested in joining please call via the contact details at the bottom to register your interest or reserve a place.
The sessions will run initially for 1 hour a week from September 2022 and will cost £5 per hour. If you are interested please email the team on : Subject Orchestra.